Parish Policy regarding Funerals



                   GRACE-FILLED FUNERALS


The services we provide for use in connection with death, and the reverent disposal of a human body, are part of the Christian Church’s continual celebration of the Incarnation, Death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ and the giving of the Holy Spirit, which together constitute what we know as the Paschal Mystery of Christ.


Christians are incorporated in this Paschal Mystery through their baptism, and for one who has already died with Christ in this Sacrament, and now lives with him in faith, death marks but a necessary stage in the journey towards the fullness of eternal life with the Risen Lord.  But, whilst there may be joy in the fulfilment of Christ’s promise of eternal life, there is necessarily a certain solemnity about a funeral.  Added to this is also the natural human sadness at the parting that comes from one who is loved.  Then, there is the sobering reminder that for every one of us death is inescapable.


Every baptised Christian is entitled to a FUNERAL, whether or not the person has been a regular worshipper in the Church.  Because we are created in physical form as well as spiritual, we are urged in our faith, to reverence and respect the human body, as we are called on to care for all of God’s Creation.  When a person dies, therefore, it is a mark of respect for that which God has created, to have the body in a coffin and present in the church for the “farewell” which is the FUNERAL SERVICE.


Furthermore, it is a necessary part of the grieving process that we should face the reality of the death of the person whom we love - not only for the family, but also for friends and the community.  It is a simple psychology to actually have the coffin present in the Church for the service.






See also: APB pages 525-7

 To view the Parish Policy document please click:

Policy Outline.pdf Policy Outline.pdf
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The information which would be required is detailed in the attached document: 

Parish Funeral Policy Particulars.pdf Parish Funeral Policy Particulars.pdf
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Type : pdf
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