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Welcome to St Patrick's, Umzinto.  Enjoy your visit.


You are invited to visit the following pages:

150 year celebration

Stain glass windows

Our cemetery

St Patrick's Church 1880 

 A painting of St. Patrick's Church, done by Alan Campbell (Umdoni Village, Pennington)
The picture was commissioned by Denis Barker and is in their home.


Directions to St Patrick's Church

Travel west along the R612 from the N2/R612 intersection (Park Rynie) (Signposted to 'Umzinto North')

After 4kms you will pass the Umzinto Correctional Services (Prison) on your left.

A further 200m and you will pass the Hazelwood turn-off on your right.

Another 200m and then turn right into ‘Park Rynie Road’ and head north-west (Signposted to ‘Umzinto')  After 600m travel past ‘Hi-Q' on your right and, after crossing the bridge, turn left into the main road running through the centre of Umzinto and continue heading up the hill for about 400m. (If you find yourself travelling downhill, you have gone too far!)

Turn left into St Patrick’s Road (The Post Office is then on your right). Travel 50m or so and you will find the church on your left.


Click: for bird’s eye view

 St Patrick's Church 2011

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